Sunday, October 7, 2007

HW 16: The five pillars according to Scoble

In an interview with Robert Scoble, in the book Blog! How the newest media revolution is changing politics, business, and culture, he explains the five pillars of conversational software. Here, he explains “RSS” “ a techie’s way of saying it allows a blogger to offer his Webog for people to subscribe to, as well as to integrate links and news from other websites.” (Kline & Burstein 130) Scoble explains “five things that made blogging hot.” They include ease of publishing, discoverability, cross-site conversations, permalinking, and syndication. I would say that ease of publishing is how easy it is to publish a blog, or post something on the internet. Discoversability, is kind of obvious, it’s how easy it is to find a blog or be “discovered.” Cross-site communications most likely means, that if you go to one site, it probably has a link to another site. Permalinking as Scoble explains is “a URL that will take me directly to a post.” And last but not least, syndication is to keep up multiple blogs.

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